Wednesday, January 5, 2011

PHOTO 365 ~ 2011

Well I have decided that i am going to do this project again.. I know that many of you who might come and read my blog haven't seen my December photos from the end of last year, but unfortunately they are on my other laptop, which I'm having trouble with the power source / battery at the moment so i haven't been able to use it as much as i like.  I am taking it in to get fixed later this week, so hopefully i can finish them off next week, and then i am going to do a bit of a slide show thingy of  last year...
I really enjoyed this project last year, because it allowed me to prac. using my Camera daily, it was a great way to keep memories of our year and i love going back and looking at what our year had in store for us.

So here are my photos for the first 5 days of 2011...

1 comment:

Tracey Holdyk said...

Hey girlfriend... I'm in. Yes a photo a day well sort of. I am giving it ago so we will see how I go.
love me :-)