Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Biggest Morning tea

Today i was able to pop into the shop at Tomorrow's Memories where the ladies were holding the Cancer Council Biggest morning tea.  It was such a lovely morning with loads of yummy cakes to eat and cups of tea to drink.  They also held an auction and i think it raised close to $900 dollars.. can't wait to hear what the final tally for the day was.
Here are some photos from the day..

Congratulations ladies on an amazing morning.. You should be so proud of everything you did today to make it a very special morning..


Vicki said...

Just got home Kris from the 12 Hour scrap and it was a great way to end a fantastic day!!!! We will post on the blog next week the total for the Cancer Council....we were thrilled with the response! Thanks for coming and helping and for being a part of it all.....vicki xx

Tracey Holdyk said...

It was such a great day and it raised a heap of money. I was sad that I couldn't be part of the morning tea but I was lucky to work last night at the 12 hour scrap. It was heaps of fun as usual. Aand our amazing customers did a wonderful job at raising such a big amount for the cancer council.
Sorry I couldn't catch up with you.
love me :-)